Sunday, July 4, 2010

We had a great time at the observatory last night

Gary, Greg, Tim, Sharron and I had a great time at the observatory. Sharron was only there for a short time. The rest of us were there for a few hours. We didn't take to many photos and added the Canon into the mix near the end of the night. We took mostly photos on the Meade to confirm the object we were looking at.

Here's a wide field view of the ring nebula. This is a wide view from the little 80mm Meade refractor, so you'll need to click on the link and open up the big picture and zoom in to see it. I have bigger photos of this from the C14 and other nights. Most of my photos are just a shot with the Canon mounted on the telescope and I rarely use stacking or other higher level touch ups on most of the photos I take at the observatory. This just came from the camera.

We ended up doing more looking, winch is a good thing, especially when the skies are cooperating. So many conversations about astronomy were going on in the dome, it's impossible to recount them all. What a great time.

The weather was really nice out, with occasional fireworks fired off by the locals, but that didn't bother us.

One FAAC member told me he has driven by the observatory at least a dozen times and never saw me here. Maybe he just missed me, sometimes I get out later and I've been really busy and slammed during the week so I did skip some nice nights and didn't open up or put a post here. Also I have been opening up at times and just notifying the FAAC members on the board. And sometimes I decide to open up at the last minute and don't always post it here. If you drive by and see my car near the track near the observatory, or my f150 truck and this would be inside the fence near the observatory, then chances are I'm there for some event. Usually the small gate is open when the public is welcome which is almost eve time I'm out. The only exception would be for some special maintenance event, which is rare.

Conditions were nice last night, but it seems that the naught before had better seeing conditions. at least at the observatory. Conditions were still very nice, it seemed a bit better the night before.

I left around 3 am, hanging around a bit after the last visitor left.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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