Sunday, May 6, 2012

Last nights super moon

Some friends and members mentioned the super moon event last night. This is just a full moon being closer to earth at it's closer point in orbit.

Art called to see if I would open up the observatory. I said I could and some clouds were in the area. Supposedly the clouds were going to clear. Tim said he'd be viewing it from Lake Erie metro park. We called a few members last minute and mentioned we'd go to lake Erie and also try to open up he observatory.

Art and I started out late, we met and car pooled to get to the metro park. I hit a traffic jam at fort street due to a train and we arrived after the moon rose over the lake. Clouds obstructed the view so we didn't miss much.

Tim was in a spot a half mile away from a parking area taking photos. I felt a little under the weather so I didn't take my canon Eos camera with me. I only had an iPhone. I took a couple of shots of the moon over the lake with my iPhone, they were not very good here is one of them.

We left lake Erie at about 10pm and Art and I drove to HJRO not knowing if the clouds were gone. Much if the sky was clear and I texted a few members. Dan showed up at HJRO he had been in Wyandotte in bishop park Shen the moon rose but clouds obstructed his view of the moon low over the water as well.

Fast moving clouds ended our shirt observing session, the three of us mostly talked. We actually talked a lot about hospitals and operations last night at HJRO rather than much about astronomy.

The sky was full of clouds so we left around midnight and Art and I went to white castles for a late night snack. As we sat there we joked that the sky would likely clear once we were at white castles. We left and the sure enough the sky was almost completely clear. It was late and we both had a long day sone clouds were out near the horizon in the north and far south so we called it a night. But then I had a few late night errands to run and had to pick up some bread my sister baked for my mom. I was unable to drive by her house due to observing so she left the bread in a bag outside her house in a nearby city. I drive out there and decided to drive back on champaign street past the observatory. The sky was clear so I decided to grab my canon eos and try to take a photo of the full moon over the observatory. I snapped a few stills and left without opening up. I arrived at home and sone neighbors were arriving home late as well. I unloaded my car and one of my neighbors walked out and stood silently and standee up at the full moon for a fee minutes. I dint know if he thought I'd bring out a telescope as I was unloading one but he went back to his family car and disappeared as I brought out my handheld binoculars to take one last look. The full moon is rather flat without many shadows so it's less interesting to view and very bright, better viewed with polarizing or moon filters through telescopes.

I finally went to sleep, I looked at the moon a little bit, not really seeing it once all night in a telescope however. I only saw Mars and Saturn last night at HJRO with Art and Dan. Sone nights are like that. As the weather was so unpredictable and poor I didn't announce our opening to the club or on this blog. Poor weather ruined much if the viewing so visitors didn't miss much. Most in the faac club who we invited out were too busy with other commitments. They really did t miss much. I enjoyed the visit to lake Erie that was fun but a little frustrating because I've been experiencing a few health problems and that was a bit if a distraction as well. Here's one of the iPhone photos from lake Erie.

As you can see this kind of photo doesn't show any moon details.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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