Friday, May 25, 2012

It's a nice night for viewing but in bike riding

I tested the new solar projector again today. The evening looked to be good until midnight, but I've done a lot of viewing lately so it was time for a break.

I decided to try to find a friend who went bike riding tonight. I couldn't find him as he left earlier in the evening and wasn't answering his cell phone.

The weather is a perfect 71 degrees out and the moon and stars are shining brightly. I leaned back a bit and looked up at the night sky in a dark neighborhood while coasting. A nice leasurely pan of the sky. . . Well it was more like a downward tracking view as I was riding.

I almost wished I carried a small telescope to do some late night sidewalk astronomy at a bike ride destination. I've done this before using the Bushnell wide field telescope I have. But tonight it's likely the only observing I'll do is naked eye viewing.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. The sixthreezero Paisley is the newest, hottest cruiser on the market.

