Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wide field photo from later in the evening after leaving HJRO.

Here is a photo from last night.

Notice the interesting glow of the leaves of this tree. The top leaves glow at night, probably due to street lights hitting it.

The glow reminds me of some old quirky set from an early star trek show or something. It's noticeable when viewing the stars near this tree at night. This photo is a little brighter than it would appear to an observer due to the long exposure. The leaves of the nearby trees to the naked eye would be a little green and mostly dark, the camera picks up more color. The glow of the leaves is a little less colorful as well in person but still very noticeable at night.

You can see the open star cluster m45 above and slightly left of the glowing leaves in this photo.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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