Monday, August 30, 2010

Sorry no observing Monday night at the observatory

I spent a little time at the Wyandotte cable studio as a guest of the FAAC astronomy cable show.

I didn't spend a lot of time practicing an answer for the shows questions. We had a list of the questions ahead of time, giving us some chance to formulate our answers. I hope I didn't stutter to much in the interview. Anyway, there's going to be a second show about the observatory where they videotape the segment at the observatory.

I even created a brief video with some stills and limited video for a short piece. Thanks to the wonders of video editing I can work on that a little more and we can insert it into the show.

Over the weekend we were there and I was out a little late observing Saturday. Also Sunday, which was a bit of a waste of time, although we learned some things about the setup and connecting laptops to the Losmandy controller, somehow we destroyed the star model and have to enter a new one for the tracking of the scope.

We also tested goto meeting and showed live video, from a webcam feed of the observatory and live video of a video monitor feed. This is not the final setup for web broadcasting from the observatory, but just a test. It was fun, and we learned a lot from that.

An audio feed or perhaps a live chat from the observatory would probably make a feed much better, we were not sending audio over the net with the live feed.

That's it for now. It was a long day. I'd like to observe but I have to rest for work tomorrow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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